[Ph.D. Degrees] [M.S. Degrees][Post-docs][Undergraduate researchers]

Ph.D. Degrees

Ekbordin (Pong) WinijkulPh.D., 2015
Dissertation title: Multinational Emission Inventories for Land-Based Non-road Engines and Residential Combustion


Laura Fierce, Ph.D., 2015 (co-advised by Nicole Riemer)

Dissertation title: Improving Model Representations of black carbon using a particle-resolved aerosol model



Arezoo Khodayari, Ph.D., 2013 (primary advisor: Don Wuebbles)
Dissertation title: Studies toward Assessing the Effects of Aviation on Climate
Current Location: Post-doc, University of Illinois, Atmospheric Sciences


Benjamin Brem, Ph.D., 2012 (co-advised with Mark Rood)
Dissertation title: Optical Properties of Moderately-Absorbing Organic and Mixed Organic/Inorganic Particles at Very High Humidities
Contribution: Measured particulate absorption at high RH

Current Location: ETH, Switzerland


Fang Yan, Ph.D., 2012
Dissertation title: Emission Projection and Uncertainty Analysis of Primary Particulate Matter Emitted from the Transportation Sector
Contribution: Dynamic vehicle fleet modeling, including uncertainties
Current location: Argonne National Laboratory



Yanju Chen, Ph.D., 2011
Dissertation title: Characteristics of Organic Carbon from Biofuel Combustion: Emissions and Climate Relevant Properties
Contribution: Absorption spectra and methods of real-time emission analysis
Current location: University of Illinois post-doc



Christoph Roden, Ph.D., 2008
Dissertation title: Parameterizing Climate-Relevant Properties of Biofuel and Biomass Particulate Emissions based on Combustion Conditions

Contribution: Real-time, in-use measurements of biofuel combustion
Current location: SPEC Engineering, Inc.


M.S. Degrees

Poonam Boparai
M.S., 2007
Thesis title: Quantitative Uncertainty in Thermal-Optical Analysis of Carbonaceous Particles
Current location: EDAW Consulting

Soonkyu Jung
M.S., 2006
Thesis Title: Development Of A Dynamic Simulation Model for Future Aerosol Emission Inventory from Industrial and Utility Boilers
Current location: Seoul Pollution Control Division

Amadu Kanu
M.S. candidate, 2004-2006
Thesis Title: Method For Investigating the Hygroscopic and Optical Character of Organic Carbon in Atmospheric Aerosols
Current location: UC Berkeley, Chemistry Ph.D. program

Scott Meyers
M.S., 2006
Thesis title: Development of a Three Wavelength Short Path Extinction Cell (SPEC) for In-situ Determination of Aerosol Optical Properties
Current location: Exxon-Mobil


Rishabh Shah

 M.S., 2015

Thesis title: Hygroscopic Growth and Cloud Condensation Nuclei Activity of Fresh and Chemically-Aged Biomass-Pyrolyzed Organic Aerosol


Colin Zarzycki
M.S., 2010
Thesis title: Effects of incomplete combustion on atmospheric chemistry: Black carbon climate forcing and global carbon monoxide emissions
Current location: Ph.D. program, University of Michigan



glynis Glynis Lough
Post-doctoral Researcher, 2007-2008
Project: Global modeling/satellite comparison
Current location: Battelle

subu R. Subramanian
Post-doctoral Researcher, 2004-2007
Projects: DIESEL (Bangkok vehicle testing), among others
Current location: Droplet Measurement Technologies

gazala Gazala Habib
Post-doctoral Researcher, 2005-2007
Project: Global modeling
Current location: IIT Delhi

Undergraduate or hourly researchers

(by last date)

2008: Abel Lau
2007: Paul Say
2006: Benjamin Barnes, Karen Hauck, Philip Patnaude, Bethany Phillips, Scott Mayle, Amar Shah
2005: Brian Cis, Rahil Jogani, Phillip Swartz, Laurie Kraft
2004: Laura Biedermann, Ekta Bhardwaj, Vedran Coralic

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